Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon Resigns From WWE Amidst Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit

In a seismic shakeup, Vince McMahon, the iconic figurehead of professional wrestling, stepped down from his role as the executive chairman of the board of directors at TKO Group Holdings, WWE’s parent company. This abrupt resignation follows a federal lawsuit filed by former employee Janel Grant, accusing McMahon and another ex-executive of serious sexual misconduct,…

Vince McMahon
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WWE: Vince McMahon’s New Mega Salary Revealed After He Sells to Endeavor

Vince McMahon has sold WWE to Endeavor, but he’s still set to earn big money from his role within the company. As reported on Give Me Sport, McMahon is remaining with WWE, despite the merger with UFC, and will continue to serve as the Executive Chairman of the wrestling giant. Vince’s new salary with WWE…

Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon Reportedly Making Major Moves to Regain Power in WWE

Vince McMahon is making moves to reclaim the power he forfeited when he resigned from WWE. The Wall Street Journal reports that McMahon has informed the WWE Board of Directors that he is electing himself and former WWE executives George Barrios and Michelle Wilson to the board. “The move to reinstate Mr. McMahon, which the…

Vince McMahon

WWE Chief McMahon Retires Amid Allegations of Misconduct

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) boss Vince McMahon has announced that he will retire following a barrage of allegations of sexual misconduct. It would be recalled that he stepped down from his roles in WWE last month following reports he paid millions to suppress allegations of sexual misconduct and infidelity. He, however, easily remains WWE’s majority…

Vince McMahon

WWE’s Vince McMahon Agreed to Pay $12 Million in Hush Money to Four Women as Netflix Pulls Out of Documentary

Fresh facts have emerged showing that World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Inc.’s longtime leader, Vince McMahon agreed to pay more than $12 million over the past 16 years to suppress allegations of sexual misconduct and infidelity, an amount far larger than previously known. The payouts went to four women, all formerly affiliated with WWE who signed…